Hello, I’m Megan Elaine

A mother, a granny, an author, an artist, a philanthropist and a Christian Warrior woman serving God with Passion and truth through prayer.

I was born in 1969 in Vancouver,British Columbia Canada and grew up in many different cities throughout the Fraser Valley but mostly resided in Chilliwack, where I graduated from Chilliwack Senior High School.

Just after Graduation at 17 years old I was invited to yet another church of the many I had attended with friends during my growing up years. However this church was different, they actually explained what salvation means, how I needed to repent of my sins and make a decision to serve Jesus. So from that very day I decided to live for God!

I was married in 1988 at 18, and we were pioneering our first church a year later with my first child on the way. We had three children in British Columbia until the door opened to move to Lloydminster Saskatchewan in 1993 to pioneer once again. In 1999 we had our fourth child and we still reside just outside of Lloydminster on a beautiful ten acre parcel of land.

I have been in some form of ministry for over 31 years now. From our four children we will soon have seven grandchildren which are all so much fun!!!! All of our children are doing very well for themselves and are serving God in some capacity in the church and our oldest and his wife are pioneering a church.

I want to be able to share my experiences and the wisdom I have learned to help women grow and live godly lives. Helping them to serve God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength.I want to give you the practical as well as spiritual tactics to live daily godly lives.

Whether you are a Christian or not a Christian I challenge you to learn these principals and apply them to your life.

My prayer for you is to become the beautiful Proverbs 31 woman God has called you to be. For you are more precious than gold, your worth is far above rubies, and you are more valuable than diamonds.I pray you will come on this journey with me and develop yourself into who you were created to be.

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