28 Day Challenge Day 19 & 20


      Tuesday  was a busy day. I have been reorganizing my whole basement. Which is quite the challenge because I have neglected it for so long. I have Arts and crafts to sort, homeschool things to go through and then there is my office……. However I am tackling it all. I want to redo the basement and set it up for an AirBNB. Needless to say I have my work cut out for me. I did stay on track though. I did yesterdays workout today and I’ll do today’s workout tomorrow because yesterday we has to drive 3 hours to the hospital and home again and there simply was not time. A little confusing I know. We made a beautiful lentil soup though, my guest and my husband added sausage to it and I had it plain. It was delicious.

      Wednesday I awoke to the most beautiful sunrise here at Milk and Honey acres . We had oatmeal for breakfast and Dorota had a great idea of taking it outside for a picture with the background of the acerage. It was a productive day with my project in the basement, my exercise and my eating. We made this gorgeous colourful salad. Life can’t get better than this lol!

       It is still cold here on the prairies. I have to dress up to the nines to stay warm, and I don’t mean an evening gown and high heeled shoes either. I mean snow pants, winter boots, down filled coat and touque. I am longing for spring, this cold snap has lasted for over a month. I shouldn’t complain though because January was quite mild. Spring will be here soon enough.

      I am happy though, my clothes are getting looser, I feel skinnier and that brings contentment and joy to my heart. I can’t wait for Friday when I weigh myself for week three of this challenge. Until then, be blessed, give thanks, and smile at someone cause it’s contagious! 

                                              Love you all, Megan Elaine