28 Day Challenge Day 13 & 14

       Day 13 was pretty chill. It was my rest day as far as exercise goes and I mostly just ate left overs, I finished off the yummy lasagna and ate all the allowed foods.  

      Day 14 was pretty good as well however I think I have not been drinking enough water. I am forever feeling thirsty and so I have made it a point to actually track how many ounces of water I am drinking a day. So the last few days I have drank 80 ounces of water . I probably should drink another  16 to make it 96 ounces a day. Perhaps that is what is slowing down my weightloss. I am still at about 171 lbs,. It keeps fluctuating, sigh!!!! So the good news is I feel skinnier even though the scale does not show it. That is why everyone says to throw the scale away. However I do need it for this 28 day challenge to monitor where I am at. 

      I do want to share with you the first recipe I changed over to be WFPB. It is about 95% compliant. I used honey but should have tried it with dates as a sweetener to make it 100% compliant. With the honey though it still turned out really well and all the girls who taste tested them for me really liked them. So the cupcakes were 95% but the icing was not. I do not know how to make an icing for decorating cupcakes WFPB. I will have to learn more and in time I will.

      So the recipe I changed is my Chocolate Beet Cake. When I make this the unhealthy way people would be shocked I put beets in it, some would not even try it. Now I wonder if even the brave souls will try this recipe now lol. Well all the girls from church who came to our Galentines party did try it and they actually liked it. Because I had the icing on there they said it was a nice contrast to not have so sweet of a cake with the sweet icing. I would just scrape the icing off myself however I didn’t because I didn’t eat one of them, it’s not in the plan for the month.

      Here is the recipe:

Beet Cake

Healthy Version

1 3/4 cups sprouted whole grain wheat flour. You can substitute another kind of flour if you prefer.

1 1/2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 cup raw unpasteurized honey

6 Tbsp cacao powder

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup unsweetened apple sauce

4 eggs

1 1/2 cups grated cooked beets

Mix all ingredient together and bake in a 9×13 pan or make cupcakes with them, at 350* F until toothpick inserted comes out clean about 25 min depending on oven and whether you use a pan or muffin tins. Let cool and ice as you prefer.

      These are my decorated cupcakes. I also forgot about the eggs. I just recently found out you can make a flaxseed egg substitution. So I will look into that the next time I try this recipe. Until then to all the WFPB people please forgive me but I’m sure you know what to do to make it 100% compliant. I am learning and will continue to learn and will have fun doing so!                        Until next time all, Love Megan Elaine