28 Day Challenge Day 11 & 12

      Hello friends, Today I only took a picture of my smoothies. For my lunch I made a video, you can watch at milk and honey acres on Instagram. The video was making a quick and delicious meal using ingredients you already have. I used up my mixed salad and poured chilli on top with some tomato slices for garnish, and that was lunch. I also made a bok choy lasagna using the chilli sauce. I will be posting that on the 12th on instagram.It was so good, I probably overate because of that today. So please go check out my videos. And please let me know if it was helpful or just too easy peasy for you.

      Exercise with the Transform app was called the Chipper, cause you chip away at all of these exercises: 20 Squat Thrusts, 30 Push-ups, 40 Jumping Jacks, 50 Air Squats and 60 High Knees. Well I chipped away at them for 8 minutes and 11 seconds. Which was rewarding to say the least. For Day 12 it was just the Accelerator and I broke my record fo 3 miles – 40minutes and 39 seconds. So I am getting into shape and I feel so much better for it.

 This is my bok choy lasagna. It was absolutely delicious, I will definitely be making this again! I forgot to take pictures of it so I snatched this pic from my video. The video tells you how I made it so go ahead and watch it. In the next couple of days I will share my recipe for Chocolate Beet Cake made with no salt, oil, or refined sugar. So stay tuned for that.

      I want to address  the problem of obesity, and not just obesity but being overweight even 30-50 lbs.. At this last conference we had Pastor Mitchell address it in one of his sermons, and I believe we need to take note and figure this obesity thing out. We have lost a lot of good men and women in our churches and families because of these issues. Many of us are not living life to capacity because our weight is slowing us down. This needs to change, and this is why I included the chapter in my book “You Are What You Eat”.

      I talk about some of the diet plans out there and what has happened to our food supply. This is one reason I am doing this 28 challenge to live 100% whole foods plant based- WFPB, to see how it makes a difference in my own life. Many of you know I have had a cough for many years and it always gets worse at conference time. I believe this is because of all the restaurant food I eat when at conference. There are added oils and sugar to almost everything in a restaurant even guacamole! Well it’s been 12 days and I have not coughed at all, so stay tuned at the end and see if it’s totally fine for good. The doctor had diagnosed it as acid reflux back in the day but I refused to go on medication for the rest of my life.

      Pastor Mitchell mentioned it being a lack of self discipline and it may well be in some instances but not in all. This is why – when we eat foods full of oil, salt and sugar our bodies do not feel full, it takes 2-3 times as much food to feel full. However if we can eat nutrient dense food like vegetables and beans and nuts and seeds and fruit then our bodies feel full with only eating a normal portion. Nutrient dense food is not processed food. It is whole food like vegetables and fruits, rice, sweet potatoe etc.. So we must start eating real food again and as you do you will be set free from the sugar, salt and oil addiction which so many of us have. Yes it will take self discipline to choose these foods over processed foods but the result is well worth it.

      I just listened to a testimony report of a man who had diabetes so bad that his whole foot had a wound on it over 10cm long. He was going to lose his leg. The nurse said to him there is only one more thing you can try so you don’t lose your leg and that is to start eating WFPB. They said” We don’t know if it will work for sure but there is nothing else we can do for you.” This man did start to eat WFPB and that wound totally healed up. He kept his leg and was so thankful. There are more and more testimonies just like this out there. So I challenge you to study it out for yourself and find the answers.

      I always tell people, eat more veggies and it’s almost like I am mocked for this (which is ok, I really don’t mind) however what would happen if people actually did eat more veggies? Would diseases slowly start to disappear? Eating this way is curing not only diabetes but heart disease and stroke, lupus, auto immune diseases and many more. I know we need to believe God to heal us but I wonder if Jesus would say “I have already provided all the foods necessary, you just need to eat them”. Our bodies are made to heal , the creator made them that way, and I know there are always other instances but how many instances can we change by eating healthy foods. Healthy foods being defined as unprocessed, whole foods. Take the challenge, take charge of your health and be blessed.                                                                                                                                                   Love Megan Elaine