28 Day Challenge

Hello my friends,

I want to write to anyone who will listen lol. In 2 days, February1st I will be starting a 28 day challenge to eat plant based whole foods only! Throughout all my years of trying different diets and fads for losing weight I have not tried this one whole heatedly and strictly.

Last year we tried eating plant based and cut back on our meat consumption and it totally helped in reducing some of the health numbers from Don’s blood work.
However we never followed the plan the way it is supposed to be followed. This is the closest nutrition way of eating that I have found that even resembles the conclusions I have come to in my Book “Get It Together Girl!”In chapter twelve of my book I go through some of the diets I have tried and that are out there and what I think is the biggest problem in today’s society concerning our health. I also want to add this plant based way of eating to it, but thought it best that I tried it wholeheartedly 100% before I can even comment on it truthfully. So here I am planning to start on Friday . And start I will and finish as well. I will be documenting my exercise , my meals and my water consumption. At the end of the month ,I will go and get more blood work done to test my levels of nutrients . My blood work now is normal and nothing is low. People seem to be worried about my nutrients being low( like my hair starting to fall out) and that I will not get enough sodium etc. So we will see.

I will be following Dr. Furhman’s 6 week program to lose weight. It consists of eating no meat, dairy, salt, sugar, or processed foods at all.
I must eat 1 Lb of fresh raw vegetables, 1 Lb of cooked vegetables, limiting the starchy foods like sweet potato, rice and oatmeal to 1 cup per day. I can have 4 fruits a day, and a small amount of nuts per day as well. I will be having herbal teas only, omitting caffeine completely. I also will be having 1 cup of beans and lentils everyday. This pretty much sums it up. I am really starting to get excited about this way of eating.The countdown is on.

If I can lose some poundage, and feel great at the end of the 28 days then I will continue and Don can decide if he wants to join me. My goal is to lose 50 Lbs by my 50th Birthday. I am committed, excited and challenged. I will be posting every couple of days with pictures on this blog and I will also be taking videos for my Instagram and Facebook. Then you can be the judge of what you see and hear.

Until next time,

Love you all,
Megan Elaine