28 Day Challenge Day 15 & 16

People Only Change When The Pain Of Not Changing Is Greater Than The  Pain Of Changing

  Have you ever wanted to change something in your life but did not have the motivation to even start? Let’s say you want to paint the bathroom. You figure out everything you need and realize it’s gonna be a lot more work than anticipated. You can’t just paint, you have to scrape, fill the holes, sand it, wash it all down and you realize you need a new bathroom fan as well and it’s gonna take weeks to get that done before you can even start. So you decide to wait. You wait and wait and wait! It’s called procrastinate procrastinate procrastinate. Now the bathroom walls have the paint pealing, there is some mould growing in the corners and you simply can’t stand it anymore, thinking you are all gonna start getting sick because of the mould. So you finally decide now is the time to paint the bathroom. The pain of getting sick from the mould is greater than the pain of actually doing the work.

Once you start you are wondering what took you so long to do this. It’s not as bad as you thought it was going to be. So why do we procrastinate so much? Why can’t we see that the end result is worth it? Why do we have all these battles in our mind?

In order to see clearly we must first evaluate. We must decide that the end result is worth it. We must choose to go through the little bit of pain now in order to have no pain later. We must choose to think in the correct perspective. If I choose to paint the bathroom right now, it’s going to look so much better. I will feel joy every time I enter into this room because it looks so beautiful now. Yes there is going to be pain in doing the work however the reward is greater.I will paint it now because if I don’t it’s going to get much worse!

       So this is where I was at the beginning of the year. I went to conference and the pain of coughing so much was enough. I have to do something about this to get rid of this cough. So I new that diet would be key. I was also sick of never being able to find clothes that fit right. Don and I went shopping and I must have tried on 20 items and bought two of them. Everything fit horribly and I was sick of it. I have to do something about this and I knew diet would be key. There were some days when I felt so tired I had to go lie down and take a nap. Or I would fall asleep while reading. I was sluggish and had no motivation to exert myself. I knew this had to change and that my diet would be key. So this is when I stumbled across Dr.Fhurman’s 28 day challenge. At first I thought I can not do this. I thought I don’t know if I even want to do this. No oil, no salt, no deer sausage……. But…. I realized I need to do something and this is what is presenting itself to me at this moment. So why not go for it?

      The pain of not changing and coughing and having no clothes that fit right and feeling sluggish was greater than the pain of actually changing my diet and even starting to exercise. So here I am just over half way of this challenge and feeling great. I love the food and am even feeling not as tired and I’m not coughing anymore. Those are the benefits. They totally outweigh the pain I felt before. I am so thankful I decided to start this journey. I can hardly wait until the day I reach my goal. I don’t think I am going to stop after 28 days. The rewards are too great. I feel awesome!!!!!