28 Day Challenge Day 5&6

Hello Friends, I’m so motivated to keep on going! Day 5 I peaked at the scale, I couldn’t resist and I was down again. This is totally working and I am so excited. I woke up today and after my prayer time with no coffee I ran/walked my 3 miles. I’m so proud of myself!

      Yesterday Jonah was my pillow while doing sit-ups and right under me during pushups, so he got to be in my workout selfie. It is nice to be loved, he was purring the whole time, while I’m sweating away, oblivious to all my hard work. I got 8 rounds of squats, sit-ups and pushups done as well as my 3 miles. All this good food is giving me energy!

      I would like to give the Transform App all the credit for my workouts. I am following their plan so I don’t even have to think of what exercise I need to do next. They tell me everyday and all I have to do is  turn on the app each day and follow along. It even has certain exercises timed and all I have to do is push start. I love it. It is helping me to stay active and I love the genuineness of both Chris and Heidi. I would love to meet them someday! And on the app I can push the button that says COMPLETED. There is satisfaction in that action, it makes me feel like I have accomplished something, and it feels good!

       Today I totally forgot to take pictures of my food. I had fruit for breakfast, mangoes, oranges and a banana with hemp, chia and pumpkin seeds on top. I was very satisfied. For lunch I had Lundberg Black Japonica Rice with cooked mushrooms, onions and kale left over from yesterday. It was delicious. The rice was awesome, dark but not long like wild rice. I recommend you try it. For dinner I had a nice big salad with a variety of veggies.

      Day 6 is my rest day as far as exercising goes. And rest I will. I am looking forward to not moving today and giving my body some well deserved rest. I would like to mention my WHY. It is very important to have a why, to keep you going. It’s your reason to not quit when life get’s tough. I actually have two reasons. The first is I want to lose 50 lbs by my 50th Birthday which is August 6th, 2019. I have taken care of everyone for the last 30 years and now I am taking care of me first. This is my priority. The other reason is to help all of you to realize that processed food is killing our nations and there is a better way. It’s getting back to basics and eating the whole food God has given us which includes our veggies. So many of our friends are struggling with sickness and obesity , dealing with heart disease and diabetes etc.. I believe eating right and getting the nutrients our body needs is lacking in this generation. So my goal is to help as many people as possible to live healthy lives by feeding their bodies the nutrients it is craving for. I pray you will follow along and experience for yourself the victory you can have by eating whole foods.                                                                                                                   Until next time, have a blessed and joyful day!                                                                                  Love Megan Elaine