28 Day Challenge Day 3&4

   Hello all, Day 3 went  well. Because it was Sunday yesterday I woke up at 6:30 am to do my 3 miles which I am trying to be consistent at. It takes me about 46-50 minutes so I knew that would be the only time I could get it done. Then I had chores with the chickens to get done, make breakfast, which was a delicious green smoothie.

The smoothie had kale, spinach, bok choy, an apple, cranberries, chia seeds and flax seeds water and ice – So Easy

For lunch I made a beautiful salad with my one cup of beans for the day. I also mixed lemon juice,basalmc vinegar, garlic and epicure greek salad dressing spices. It was delicious! After church in the evening I really didn’t feel like eating , I had had an apple earlier for dessert and I just was not hungry at all, So I went to bed. I’m not sure if I should of skipped a meal or not however I was not hungry at all and I am trying to listen to my body and not eat when I feel full. 

      Listening to what your body is saying is not easy. I’m so used to eating 3 times a day plus snacking or if I’m bored, or when I sit down in my office I’ll grab a snack and some tea, always thinking I’m hungry but now I think was just habit.  

      For this challenge I am only eating 3 times a day with no snacking in-between. I am finding that because I am eating all nutrient dense foods that I am not hungry in-between meals and even last night I was not hungry at all. In the morning yesterday after my workout and drinking 15 oz of water I felt hungry and I so enjoyed the smoothie. Perhaps having a large smoothie like I did is what filled me up for the day, my salad was quite large as well. Anyways today (Day 4) I was hungry first thing. So as the days go by I will try to learn to listen to my body, eat when I am hungry and not eat when I don’t feel like it.

     Day 4 has been good, I have had my 1 cup oatmeal, with my 1 Tbsp of flax seed ground up and my 1 oz of nuts and seeds mixed.  It is gonna be a busy day so I will take my salad into town for lunch and then figure out my vegetable and beans dinner for tonight. I am not getting tired veggies and beans, you can prepare them and mix them up in so many different combinations. When your body is getting the right nutrients it’s like you don’t mind at all eating some of the same things. When I was deprived of nutrient rich food I would get cravings of all sorts. I believe this was y body trying to tell me it needs something.The only something it got was quick foods to satisfy at the moment, if it was cake, i would eat it but that would not satisfy the craving so I would have some pepperoni, and that would no satisfy. Now however I feel totally satisfied and that is a miracle in itself. No More Cravings!!!!!

      The awesome news is , I weighed myself this morning and the scale said 172.8. I was 177.2 on Friday morning and it’s now Monday morning and I am down 4.4 lbs. in 3 days. That is crazy! I was not expecting that at all. It is motivating however. Perhaps this is the plan I have been looking for after all. Don is down 4 lbs as well but I am not sure since when as he just mentioned it yesterday. He has been eating everything I have been eating plus a few other foods which are still healthy but not allowed on the 28 Day plan. So on we go! I am looking forward to the week just to see my results. I can do this 130 lbs here I come! I will reach my goal by August 6th for my 50th Birthday and it will be the best birthday present ever.                                                                                                                                             Until next time, lots of love,

                                                                                             Megan Elaine